360TriSense safely takes your vision to the sky
- Humans with 20/20 vision have visual acuity of one arcminute
- Pilots need 12 arcminutes to successfully identify an aircraft
- Pilots can see a Cessna 172 at 2 miles, but a UAV at only 300 yards
- At cruise speed, a pilot cannot stay well clear of a UAV

- The FAA §107.37(a) requires every UAV to yield the right of way to any crewed aircraft
- The UAV pilot must be able to see any crewed aircraft, so UAV flights are restricted to visual line of sight
- UAV onboard detectors must detect over the full 360°, like having “eyes in the back of their heads”

- For many industries, it is more economical and efficient to fly beyond the visual line of sight
- 360TriSense sensing modalities detect aerial objects and crewed aircrafts allowing you to fly BVLOS
- Fly safer, further, and longer while reducing the need for human-piloted aircraft and their associated carbon footprint